634 hopefuls Citizen Guard

A total of 634 folders were accepted for the selection process of 60 new citizens guards. The list was published yesterday in the premises of the Municipal Police in the La Isla.

Guillermo Cobo, head of the Civic Guard, said that 525 applicants of the first call 109 folders on the second call I made last week joined.
During the selection process, 17 folders of the first call were excluded because applicants did not approach ratify his nomination or exceeded the age limit of 25 years. The new process 159 people, of whom 50 did not meet the requirements presented.
People with complaints about the selection can approach the Citizen Guard to carry out such studies during the weekend. "The process has been transparent, anyone who has questions will be received and explain why it was not accepted," Cobo said.

Monday will start the testing period a psychological test at school Benigno Malo. Those who pass the physical tests yield on 13 and 14 September in the same place.
The process will be completed by an academic test and a final interview. This will be the 20 and 23 September. (JPM) (I)

Source: http://www.eltiempo.com.ec/noticias-cuenca/190505-634-aspirantes-a-la-guardia-ciudadana/


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