India is the country invited to the Festival of Crafts

The Inter-American Center of Crafts and Folk Art, CIDAP, will be special guest for the Craft Festival from November to India, which has offered a varied sample with textiles, jewelry and other crafts.

So he was announced by the director of CIDAP, Fausto Ordonez, who says that this process has taken several months, and thanks to the talks as a representative and presenter will sign Prabhat Kumar its ambassador.
For the director of CIDAP, acceptance of India to join the festival, the exhibition will be mounted in the museum center, it is important because it is the first time in the 40 years of the center that is achieved exhibiting works of this country.
He explained that the craft show will consist of carved wood pieces, one of the specialties of Indian designers, jewelry, textiles with a sample of carpet, gastronomy and part of their ceremonial dances. In jewelry, he explained that pieces be prepared from bronze alloys, with an ancient technique applied in that country.
Ordonez said that in the international context, the CIDAP achieved something that is not common, and that is to get Indian artisans display their creations at an international exhibition in another country.


Moreover, this year a new creative mode will run on the festival is the presentation of pieces unpublished by each of the participating artisans, ie, the 80 national artisans will participate in a contest, divided into two categories, in the which they will be awarded two craft innovations.
The first will be rated by the public, while the second by a special jury. To tell the director of CIDAP, interest is to promote this process as permanent innovation in the use of traditional raw material supply.
The prize winners will be awarded, consisting of an invitation to the Festival 2017, a year of assistance in corporate image, training, private enterprise gifts and awards.


The festival will take place from 2 to 6 November and will be attended by 80 national and 20 international artisans, craftsmen and four winners of the selection process that developed this year craftsmen.
On the other hand, revealed that, through the Foreign Ministry, is pending the signing of an agreement with the Organization of American States, OAS, to promote training among artisans of different countries, something which he said has resumed after several years of absence. (FCS) (F)



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