Children should sleep eight to ten hours

A continuous restful sleep eight to ten hours is essential for children to reach optimal physical and mental performance in school and in the course of the day.

Adequate time to go to bed and sleep is as important as eating at the appropriate times, get enough rest after lunch or sit and walk properly habit. All these factors influence the welfare of small not only at school but in their activities all day.

Bolivar Quito, pediatric neurologist at Mount Sinai Hospital, states that the ideal is that children of school age, ie five to 12 years, sleeping at least eight to nine hours, since that affect school performance and the level of concentration while attending classes. "If the guys have not slept well at night, probably during the early hours of the morning will not have a favorable performance in school performance" refers Quito.


In order for children to fall asleep easily, Quito recommends snacking at least two hours before bedtime to properly digest food and achieve sleep just after bedtime.
For it is also essential, he explains, that afternoon nap does not exceed the hour and a half, since a break in excess of that amount of time will also prevent to fall asleep and, indeed, rest eight or nine hours recommended to get to school in optimal conditions.
"It is important to handle routines for kids to be as functional as possible during the day. The best times for performance are the early hours of the morning, "refers Quito.

According Quito, other factors such concerns, unmet needs or feelings of discomfort during the day "may determine that sleep is restless at night." Therefore it suggests that minutes before putting the children, parents talk with them, discuss and inquire into their thoughts and emotions so that to externalize and transmit them to remove the fears and anxieties that prevent sleep.
Adriana Leon, a mother, says that during his son Juan Ignacio classes, 11, sleeps about nine and a half hours, then lies down at 20:30, you sleep at 21:00 and wakes up at 06 : 30.
"That allows me to be quiet that will be focused, that will appetite at the right time," she says. (ARO) (I)



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