'El Vecino' takes steps against crime

During a night tour, the inhabitants exposed to the authorities insecurity problems affecting the traditional neighborhood El Vecino. Armando Suquisupa

The inhabitants of El Vecino are determined to combat the problem of insecurity and thereby change the stigma red zone of the traditional neighborhood, which is characterized by an interesting story on which the city stands.

Jorge Herrera, a member of the neighborhood committee, said the first step was organized to collect the concerns of the neighborhood and propose solutions that arise from the people themselves, so that the regeneration project in the neighborhood meets the expectations of the people and have success.
In this context the people called for the authorities to accompany them on a night tour of the most troubled sectors and raise the site requirements to overcome the problems of insecurity.

The tour was completed with the presence of officials of the Urban Control, Public Safety Council, CSC Guard Citizen, Illuminating Foundation and the Police.
The walk was fulfilled through the streets Rafael Maria Arízaga Mariano Cueva and Muñoz Vernaza where the inhabitants exposed the problems affecting the district between the tenements inhabited by foreigners, who have customs outside the idiosyncrasies of the cuencanos, such as getting out to the street to drink alcoholic beverages accompanied by loud music.
They also discussed the need to improve public lighting in the street Mariano Muñoz Cave and Vernaza, where there are also some dark alleys, which the neighbors are home to anti-social.

The managers believe that prostitution district that spans Avenue
Huayna Capac and Federico Guerrero Street, the main problem because behind this activity are the microtraficantes drug offenders and other social problems that affect the community.
At the end of the tour officials they pledged to provide short-term solution to the problems of street lighting and to crystallize the Barrio Seguro program that manages the CSC. Police offered to keep operating to control the inconveniences generated by prostitution, until the ordinance that regulates land use concrete and place for the tolerance zone is designated. (ASQ) (I)

Source: http://www.eltiempo.com.ec/noticias-cuenca/189047-el-vecino-da-pasos-en-contra-la-delincuencia/


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